Computer Sales & Service

We handle both sales & services of computers from leading brands such as HP, HCL, Acer, Asus, Corsair, etc.

Server Sales & Service

We handle both server setup and maintenance for both commercial and domestic servers from all leading brands.

Web Design & Development

We do web design, development and hosting in utmost quality and satisfaction.

CCTV Setup & Service

Installation CCTV and maintenance from all brands for both companies and homes.

Router Setup & Service

Wied & Wireless Router Setup and maintanence for both commercial and domestic use.

Biometric Sales & Service

Setup of Biometric scanners for commercial building from all leading brands in market.

Laptop Sales & Service

Laptop Sales and Service from all leading brands such as lenovo, dell, HP, etc.,

Network Setup

Internet setup and maintenance from all leading ISP for commercial and domestic usage.

EPABX Sales & Service

EPABX Sales, Service and installation for commercial building from all brands.


Timely Service

Omeaastechno offers you a very timely service with no compromise in quality of the product.

Quality Service

Omeaastechno offers its customers a quality service to its limits with utmost satisfaction.

Cost Effective

Omeaastechno offers services with a timely and qualitative style in a cost effective manner.

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